Monday, 14 November 2011

Phang Nga Island @ James Bond Island

. The island is a part of the Ao Phang Nga National Park. Since 1974, when it was featured in the james bond movie The man with golden gun, it is popularly called James Bond Island.

Ni dia pulau james bond kna naek dkt jeti di phang nga bley gak naik di phuket dan krabi
dia pny scenery mmg sgt cntik.. 

Wow korea mna ni nak ja aku join ahahaha

di hotel inilah aku bermalam sepanjang di krabi ^_^

Krabi utk honeymoon best la bley wat mcm kaho na pyar hai tu mnari2 di pulau haha 

Wednesday, 9 November 2011


Krabi is the province that are situated at south of Thailand. It is very popular for tourist. For me the most best part are the price that are cheaper than Malaysia and the scenery are very fascinating

yeah the most famous n popular place in Krabi are Aonang Beach.
 Tmpt ni la yg kaho na pyar hai blakon haha. However, mlm dkt krabi xmcm mlm di Danok, hatyai ataupun phuket sbbnya mlmnya sdikit mati.. night market pun ada cma jumaat, sabtu dan ahad.
nmpk bdk2 siam main muzik haha. satu yg aku ska psl krabi ni lampu jln sgt unik haha
sbb apa org slalu pggil kucing siam ?? ni dia satu kdai mkn yg aku p krabi
bapak byk kucing siam hehe.. dan klau hampa untung dpt tgk performance pondan2 haha
tp geli la hoho smpai di sini utk krabi esok klau rajin hamba tulis psl Pulau James Bond pulak ya ^_^

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